
Volunteers are the backbone of any organization. We at Hum Sub value cherish and appreciate volunteers in all age groups (minimum age of volunteer is 14; minimum age to register independently is 16) who support us during our events by giving us their time, talent, support and hard work. It takes many hands and many hearts to complete our mission.

By working together, great things can be accomplished. Unity provides a strength that is denied to the individual. At Hum Sub, our strength lies in our volunteer system. We encourage you to sign up for volunteers duties at our events Basant Bahar in the spring, Cary Diwali in the fall, and special events held by the Town of Cary, such as Lazy Daze, Spring Daze, Fest in the West festivals and special events held to mark our milestone anniversaries. Please sign up with your details on our website and we will contact you to assign volunteer duties. We appreciate your devotion and cooperation.

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